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We work hard to maintain a production & sourcing chain within our community, the Bay Area, and the U.S.

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Local Production

Our line employs local artisans and Bay Area sewing factories, Screen printers, Metal Casters, Metal Smiths, and stateside dyers. Building our production in a way that is sustainable not only for our environment but for the people in our greater community.


Making Connections

We work with Green Matters Natural Dye company to create our color palette. Their facility is located on a sustainable Amish farm in Lancaster Penn, where they use rain water in their dye processing which they collect in a 60,000 gallon cistern that sits beneath their studio. After their dyes are exhausted they are composted unlike synthetic dye waste that typically ends up in our waterways.


Made to Order

The majority of Stella Fluorescent product is made to order, in house primarily by Tiersa and a production assistant. You can’t get more local than that!